Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another wonder of the world

OK, back to blogging…

Reporting from Agra

Another early morning today as we headed out on our five-hour bus ride to the ancient Mogul capital of Agra. Fortunately, we decided to stay the night there, instead of making it a day trip. Regardless, we’ve been racking up our bus time… The bus ride gave us another opportunity to shop at an opportunistic tourist shop along the highway, so that’s good.

A note about driving in India. First, there are no freeways and the traffic along the highways generally crawls along at about 70kph. You do get to see a number of exciting sights though: monkeys, elephants, camels, herds of sheep, temples, etc. Commercial vehicles are generally only licensed to operate in one state, so at every border we had to stop to purchase a license allowing the bus to continue. I would have guessed that this would impede interstate commerce, but it doesn’t seem to be too significant. Almost all the trucks have “Blow Horn” or the like written on their tailgates and the other motorists comply gladly.

How was the Taj Mahal?

Did you take lots of pictures?
(Pictures are worth a thousand words)

Obligatory Taj solo picture

Apparently, the Taj makes people jump for joy! (Sorry Carlyn...)

I think we were meant to look tough in this picture


  1. pics are cool! they look fake! you'll show me all of them next week!

  2. Yeah! We were just talking about that. There was just enough haze to make it look like we were standing in front of a screen. I do have some closer ones, but they weren't as good.


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